anxious thinking cognitive therapy

Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness Guide

Shyness and social anxiety can range from mild to extremely debilitating. It can stop people from developing friendships, working, and even going anywhere in public.

Many celebrities/historical figures suffer from social anxiety – Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt, Michelle Pfieffer, David Bowie, David Letterman, Nicole Kidman, Jim Carrey, etc. So, if you suffer from social anxiety, don’t worry – you are in good company!

To subdue your shyness and social anxiety, you must first educate yourself about the condition. I found that the more I learned and understood it, the more I felt in control. I felt like once I understood it, I could keep it at bay more often. Understanding the mechanisms behind shyness and social anxiety help because it shines a light and exposes it for what it is.

Without a solid grasp on the how and why of social anxiety, it is harder to move to the next steps like challenging your thoughts, exposing yourself to the situations you fear, and improving your communication skills.

Although the journey to overcome shyness and social anxiety may be difficult, it is doable. You can regain control over your life. In some cases, you can do it yourself by learning about your condition and then trying some exercises that will challenge your thought processes and expose you to some of your feared scenarios. This may seem daunting, but the rewards are well worth the initial investment.

You have to decide to make a change. You must commit yourself and be willing to be a little uncomfortable upfront to feel better over the long run. Shyness and social anxiety is holding you back– recognize this and admit it to yourself. Once you get some control over this condition, you will feel like a weight has been lifted off of your chest. You will feel quite liberated! You’ll be able to walk into a room and talk to anyone or ask a girl for her number without being completely terrified!

So yes, you may feel a little awkward doing the exercises, but trust me – it’s worth it to get your sanity back. Below is a table of contents to take you through a step by step program.

Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness Step by Step Guide

1 – Understanding social anxiety

2- Getting to know your social anxiety

3 – Developing a social anxiety treatment plan

4 – Cognitive therapy – changing anxious thoughts and expectations

5 – Confronting fears through exposure

6 – Exposure to uncomfortable sensations

7 – Social skills to communicate more effectively (coming soon)

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